Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Our first trip to The Strawberry Patch Sale......

We first stumbled upon The Strawberry Patch thanks to Pure Palette on Facebook. After seeing all their photos from pervious sales we decided it would be well worth a 3 hour drive to see everything in personJ
Here’s us all ready to head out on our drive....

And 25 minutes down the road we decided we needed to make a stop at the Habitat Restore. We may not have found anything in the store, but at least we found a giant mound of tires outside the store which of course meant picture timeJ

Back on the road we swear we aren’t going to stop a million times…




But sure enough Chelsea was craving Panera so we took an 11 mile detour to stop for lunch

And while trying to leave Panera and get back on our route we got lost… Luckily we found ourselves in the parking lot of a bead storeJ So we stopped in to check it out…..

Back on the road and assuming the GPS actually knew where she was going we are so excited that we are almost at The Strawberry Patch…..

We soon realize we are on the scenic route to the patch…. After passing through about 4 random little towns we decide to stop in Holland and get some GPS help...

After arguing for a few minutes about where the heck we are we decide to trust little GPS chica and see what happens… 45 minutes later we arrive at the sale! (Tammy is now sick from all the lovely curvy back roadsL
As we step out of the car we realize a few things: #1 WE ARE IN HEAVEN! #2 We should have brought a larger vehicle #3 This was so worth the 3 hour drive which actually took us 5 hours J

Here is us with the creator of the barn sale. She was shocked that we had actually drove 3 hours just to visit her sale. You can see tons more about the sale on her awesome blog here.

After about 2 hours at the sale we decide it’s time to head back. But first we need RedBull and potato wedges…..

 10 minutes into the drive Tammy decides she needs to walk in a creek, so now, we are all looking for a creek to stop at…. And we find one of courseJ

Looking for rocks to use in our display cases...

Okay, now back in the car we really believe we are not making any more unnecessary stops on the way home…. Until we see a Tractor Supply, and of course, Tammy insists we stop

And after the Tractor Supply adventure we proceed to stop once more for gas & Sonic

So we added it up and stopped a total of 11 times through out the day... And we will be doing it all over again this September for the Fall barn sale! It was definitely worth the drive! And we know to take a larger vehicle and trailer with on our next trip!